School Information

First Day of Term – Tuesday 3rd September 2024

New pupils should arrive by 8:30am and make their way to the front terrace where staff will be ready to greet them and take them to assembly. We encourage all pupils to walk, cycle or use public transport but if parents/carers are dropping off, we ask that they do so at a safe distance from the school site, since local roads get extremely congested. Parents/carers are not permitted to drive on to the school site.

New pupils should be smartly dressed in their uniform and have their pencil cases and writing equipment ready to start their first day!


The presentation of our pupils is something that we are very proud of. Every pupil carries a uniform card which members of staff will ask to be presented with if uniform falls below school standards. These cards are carried in blazer pockets so please remove before washing. Detentions are issued for repeated infringements of uniform rules. There are full details of uniform and further guidance on recommended suppliers and on selecting appropriate school shoes with in the Uniform Policy.

There is more detail on our uniform here as well as information on the pop-up shops that our uniform provider, Stevensons, will be running.

If parents and carers are unable to attend the pop-up shop dates all uniform is available to purchase online via the Stevensons website and a sizing kit is available in school to be able to confirm uniform sizes prior to purchase.


Pupils must have the correct equipment for all lessons. They must bring a pencil case with pens, pencils, a sharpener, rubber and a set of highlighters. In addition, pupils should bring a protractor, a calculator, a ruler, a mathematical compass, scissors and a glue stick. They will also need:

  • An Atlas – As part of Geography studies pupils require an atlas. School recommends the Philip’s RGS Essential School Atlas, ISBN Number: 9781849075862 as it provides for all the needs of pupils up to Sixth Form.
  • PE Kit – Even pupils who are not doing PE due to injury or illness will still be expected to bring and wear their PE kit for their PE class in order to participate in an alternative role in the lesson.
  • Additional PE Items (optional, winter season only)– During the winter months, pupils may wish to bring in additional sports layers to wear underneath their PE kit, preferably black. They may also wish to bring towels to dry off and carrier bags to store muddy PE kit.
  • Casio fx-83GT CW or fx-85GT CW Calculator– As part of Maths studies, all pupils will require a scientific calculator. If you are buying a new calculator, the Maths department would recommend either Casio fx-83GT CW or fx-85GT CW, available from all good retailers or it can be purchased from school. 

The Structure of the School Day

Standard DayQ Wednesday
8.40am – 8.50amMorning Registration8.40am – 8.50amMorning Registration
8.50am – 9.50amPeriod 18.50am – 9.50amPeriod 1
9.50am – 10.50amPeriod 29.50am – 10.50amPeriod 2
10.50am – 11.10amBreak10.50am – 11.10amBreak
11.10am – 12.10pmPeriod 311.10am – 12.10pmPeriod 3
12.10pm – 1.10pmPeriod 412.10pm – 1.10pmPeriod 4
1.10pm – 2.00pmLunch1.10pm – 1.45pmLunch
2.00pm – 2.20pmAssembly/Form Time1.45pm – 2.05pmAssembly/Form Time
2.20pm – 3.20pmPeriod 52.05pm – 3.20pmSupervised study available until 3:20pm

Travelling to and from School

The most up-to-date copy of bus timetables is available here.

  • IGO Passes- All children under 16 using public transport must purchase an IGO card to confirm their age. Without it they may be would be required to pay the adult fare. IGO application forms are available here and the cost is £10.

School Catering

The restaurant opening times are :

Breakfast08.00 – 8.40am
Morning Break10:50 – 11:10am
Lunch13.10 – 14.00pm
Lunch Q Wednesday Only13.10 – 13.45pm

Pupils may either purchase food from our restaurant onsite or bring a packed lunch from home. Pupils are not permitted to leave the school site during the day.

We offer free porridge every day at breakfast and our lunchtime meal deals mean that all pupils, including those in receipt of free school meals, can purchase a nutritious and filling hot meal and dessert.

Cashless Catering

Pupils wishing to purchase from the school restaurant will need a cashless catering account linked to their fingerprint, taken during the summer to ensure your child is ready for the first day of term. Consent is obtained through our Data Capture Form which is sent to parents/carers in advance of transition day and can be withdrawn at any time. You can find more information on the cost of meals, menus, cashless catering and free school meals here.

Free School Meals

We encourage all parents/carers to check their eligibility for free school meals. Your Local Authority will be able to help with this and provide you with an application form. Please note: parents and carers must contact the Local Authority in the area that they live. Contact details and methods of application can be found here. Details of children already in receipt of free school meals in their previous school is not necessarily transferrable and you may need to re-apply.

We ask all pupils to carry a refillable water bottle. Bottles can be refilled from our water coolers located in the rear of the restaurant at break and lunchtimes.

Home-School Communication

Parents and carers with questions or concerns can contact us as follows:

Tel: 0161 624 1484

Email: [email protected]

Parents/carers must not contact their child directly during the school day. Pupils mobile phones are not permitted to be used within school and risk confiscation as per our Mobile Devices Policy. It is essential that we are aware of any key issues so all such communication is through our student services team. None urgent issues should be addressed outside of school hours.

Music Tuition

We have a very active and successful music department at Blue Coat and we offer individual and group tuition in:

  • Violin
  • Viola
  • Cello
  • Singing-Musical Theatre
  • Clarinet
  • Saxophone
  • Piano
  • Keyboard
  • Drum Kit
  • Guitar (Bass & Electric)
  • Brass
  • Flute

Currently around 140 pupils receive tuition and many take part in our extensive extra-curricular programme which involves performing in concerts as well as local and national competitions. Many pupils who start in Year 7 develop into fine young musicians and we are extremely proud of the school’s music provision and the achievements of our young people. Any provision will be subject to availability of both tutors and instruments.

Further details on our music tuition programme will be provided as part of the information sent out around transition. Parents/carers who would like their child to participate in the programme will be asked to return a signed contract by a designated deadline so that tutors can be arranged for an Autumn start.

Please note that the music tuition coincides with normal lesson time and it is the pupils’s responsibility to catch up on any missed work. Instrumental music tuition is a full year financial commitment.

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The Blue Coat School is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust

Cranmer Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England. Company registration number: 07687709. Registered Office: Cranmer Education Trust, c/o Blue Coat School, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SQ. The website address is and the phone number 0161 785 5082.