Attendance and Punctuality

We are proud of our high attendance levels and constantly aspire to improve them further. Ensuring that pupils attend school every day is one of the most important ways that parents/carers can ensure their success. There are well documented links between regular attendance and attainment. All pupils should be aiming for 100% attendance and parental support and encouragement in achieving this is crucial. A strong partnership between school and home is a key factor in ensuring children attend school regularly.

Good attendance will help pupils to:

  • Make lots of friends and feel included
  • Learn new things and develop skills
  • Increase confidence and self-esteem
  • Improve social skills
  • Achieve potential and fulfil aspirations
  • Take a pride in their achievements


Late to School

We have high expectations around punctuality at Blue Coat. Being just 5 minutes late each day is the equivalent to missing 3.4 school days per year.

Late to school marks are monitored half termly with sanctions issued weekly if pupils continue to be late to school. We will work with you and your child to resolve punctuality issues if late marks continue to accumulate.  

Late to Lessons

Lateness to lessons can be extremely disruptive to learning. In order to limit this disruption as much as possible, we have a 5 minute movement period for pupils to travel between lessons.

Late to lesson marks are monitored on a weekly basis. Correspondence will be sent to parents regarding the lunchtime or afterschool detention if late marks are incurred throughout the week.

Our new Year 7 pupils are given time to settle into school and understand the school site before our punctuality process begins.

Pupils persistently late for school or lessons will be picked up under our Attendance and Punctuality Policy.


We understand that pupils may miss school on occasion due to ill health. We ask that parents:

  • Provide medical information of long term or underlying health conditions that may affect attendance. This also helps us support them in school
  • Adopt a bracing approach to illness and only keep pupils off where absolutely necessary
  • Contact school on the first day of absence by 8:30am indicating the reason for the absence, including the nature of the illness and an expected date of return. This can be done via the MyEd app, phoning the school or by emailing (Student Services:
  • Provide a written explanation for the absence which the pupil must present to Student Services on the day they return
  • Provide supporting medical evidence if the absence exceeds 5 days

Illness at School

Medical Appointments

Medical/dental appointments should be made outside of school hours. Where this is not possible please write to providing appropriate valid evidence e.g. hospital letter. We will require this to authorise the absence.

Pupils with a doctor or dentist appointment will be expected to attend school either side of the appointment time and must sign out at Student Services with a parent to meet them. Staff are unable to collect pupils from lessons for appointments.


Holidays must not be taken during term time. School holidays are published a year in advance and government legislation states that headteachers may not grant leave of absence for holidays during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances which make time off in term time unavoidable.

Parents and carers requesting leave for exceptional circumstances should apply in writing to the Headteacher. The reason must be outlined in detail and evidenced. Parents/carers who take their child on holiday without permission will incur an unauthorised absence for their child and the Local Authority can issue Fixed Penalty Notices for term time holidays of 5 days or more, which the school will enforce in every case.

Snow Policy

Given the unpredictability of our weather please take time to read the Snow Policy located on our website Policies Page.

Other Absence Requests

Requests for absence for acting, modelling, sporting engagements or other commitments/interests should be submitted in writing to the Headteacher and will be considered individually, looking at the impact of absence on a pupil’s progress. Absences are unlikely to be authorised in or just before exam periods.

Religious Observation

Christian holidays are already covered in the school’s holiday pattern. Any additional requests should be made in writing in advance to the Headteacher. Such requests will only be granted where the day is exclusively set apart for religious observance by the religious body to which the parent(s)/carers belong. Members of Saddleworth Churches who wish to participate in the act of witness on Whit Friday should seek permission from the Headteacher with a letter signed by the Vicar/Priest, absence will then be granted for the morning only. Without this, absences will be classed as unauthorised.

Part-time Employment

Part-time employment is not accepted as a reason for non-attendance at detention or failure to do homework. Parents are reminded that no child under the age of 13 may be employed and that for children aged 13-16 full details must be sent to the Local Education Authority by the employer within four days. For any queries contact your Local Authority.

How will School Support You in Encouraging Good Attendance

In cases for persistent or prolonger absence school have procedures in place to support pupils and their families. Please read through our full Pupil Attendance & Punctuality Policy for further detail.

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The Blue Coat School is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust

Cranmer Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England. Company registration number: 07687709. Registered Office: Cranmer Education Trust, c/o Blue Coat School, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SQ. The website address is and the phone number 0161 785 5082.